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8 Important Reasons to Have a CRM for Your Medspa

8 Reasons to Have a CRM for Your Medspa


If you operate a med spa, your practice can get bogged down trying to improve low conversion rates and maintain an effective patient contact process. However, you can streamline the process and improve efficiency using a HIPAA Compliant CRM. A CRM, or customer relationship management software helps you manage patient data to nurture existing patients while growing relationships with prospects. Here we look at 8 important reasons you need a CRM for your medspa.

1. Improve Patient Communication


Poor communication creates poor patient experiences. Patients expect superior care and attention that ensures their unique needs are met. If you fail to keep up with their expectations, they won’t think of you when they are seeking treatments in the future. When you improve communication, you continue sharing critical information that helps patients take the next steps. A CRM allows you to adopt a more proactive approach to patient communication, including:

  • Sending patient notifications when recommended treatments are due
  • Sending links to make it easier to book recommended treatments post-consultation
  • Offering post-care tips to improve recovery and outcomes
  • Sharing special offers and new services
  • Reminder notices for scheduled appointments

2. Poor Post-Appointment Follow-up


Once a patient leaves your medspa, you have an opportunity to create a long-term relationship. Care should never end because a patient’s treatment is complete. Instead, you should instantly follow up to ensure they are recovering or enjoying the results of their treatment. This is a crucial step in patient retention. The steps you take following treatment are critical to nurturing your relationship. A CRM makes it easy to send a text or email that checks in with the patient, shares post-treatment care information and encourages them to book additional services.

3. Improve Operational Efficiency


If your team finds dealing with patient follow-up, communication, and post-consultation bookings difficult, you are more likely to create a negative patient experience. It can be challenging for your staff to juggle ongoing communication without disrupting their core duties. A CRM automates patient communication and utilizes technology such as online forms to make booking appointments easier. This streamlines manual processes and reduces the time required to engage patients.

4. Patient-centric Care

Your medspa services improve your patients’ quality of life. You offer specialized services to enhance self-esteem and help patients achieve their goals. Your team must ensure that your patients feel valued and are not just another cog in the wheel of a revenue-generating machine. They need to feel special and know your staff is focused on their wellness. A CRM allows you to maintain the highest level of patient care and improve the experience in several ways:

  • Providing ongoing contact at each stage of their treatment
  • Ensuring patients understand what to expect
  • Reducing the number of requests to share personal information by keeping digital patient records
  • Reducing manual tasks carried out by your team, so their focus is always on patient care
  • Notifying patients of upcoming appointments with information critical to improved outcomes
  • Reducing manual data and common entry errors


Even the most basic error can create poor patient experiences. For example, misspelling a patient’s name on charts and patient communication can make patients feel less valued and also create mistrust in your service.

4. Increasing Revenue


Automation is an essential tool to help refocus your clinic’s efforts. You can improve efficiencies that free up more prospect and consultation follow-up time. You can also increase revenue generation for each patient by remaining in constant contact. As mentioned, communication ensures patients have the information they need. It makes it easier for them to book appointments. You can also share relevant information to empower patients to make informed decisions on the treatments available. Lastly, through CRM automation, you decrease data entry errors that lead to time-consuming corrections. When you improve productivity, profitably will follow.

5. Improved Conversions


Whether following up on completed consultation forms or trying to book recommended treatment consultations, CRM solutions automate follow-ups based on information saved in your patient database. You can automate the emails sent to prospective patients, creating an easy drip campaign that shares the appropriate information based on their actions. For example, suppose a prospect fills out a consultation request form online. 

In that case, an automated response might send a link to a scheduling platform. Your form might include some preferred times and dates, allowing you to confirm their consultation automatically. If the patient completed their consultation but failed to book the recommended treatment, this information is recorded to trigger a different type of email. In this case, the email might review the benefits of the treatment with a link to schedule their appointment.

6. Improve Patient Retention

Post-appointment communication is essential to patient retention. CRM software targets patients and highlights relevant services based on their patient profile and past behavior. It is a free medspa marketing tool that lets you notify patients of specials, seasonally significant services, or recommended complementary treatments. It keeps their treatment on track to ensure they achieve their goals and see the results they desire. As mentioned, service doesn’t end just because treatment is complete. Patients need a reason to remain loyal. A CRM offers ongoing opportunities to offer incentives for them to come back to your medspa again and again.

7. Create Membership Programs


Many medspa CRMs allow you to create membership programs for added features such as loyalty rewards, automated invoicing, referral gifts, and more. You can create special incentives such as scheduling a treatment six times to receive the seventh treatment at a reduced price. You can also have discounts or gifts for referrals or offer a free first appointment to encourage patients to try something new.

8. Integration


You can even use your CRM to create a more sustainable medspa that grows organically through automated bookings. You can also integrate your CRM with other marketing tools to reach an audience of prospects across multiple channels. This integration allows you to tie your CRM to your website, email system, social media platforms, and even text messaging SMS. As a result, you experience more growth with less effort.

Although you might not imagine a CRM offers benefits to your medspa, it is a valuable tool to help you create a more sustainable, profitable business. 

If you would like to find new ways to grow your medspa business, Aesthetic Marketing Partners is here to help. Click here to schedule your free consultation. For more tips to help grow your aesthetic practice, check out some more of our blogs!