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seven things that could hurt your medspa digital marketing strategy

7 Things that Could Be Hurting Your Medspa Digital Marketing Strategy


Medical spas face unique marketing challenges that can make it difficult to achieve your marketing goals. Unfortunately, some of the tactics you adopt in your digital marketing strategy could do more harm than good. Here we share 7 things that could hurt your medspa digital marketing strategy to help you see better results.

1. Failing to Budget Wisely


You offer high-end services that call for high-end marketing. However, if you fail to budget your digital marketing efforts wisely, your ads could fall short of your ideal audience’s expectations. As with any business, you need to invest money to earn money. Your audience expects the highest quality images and messaging to appeal to their senses. 

Using standard stock images and uninspired language is unlikely to trigger the emotional reaction you desire. Potential clients won’t be happy with what they see and won’t trust you to provide the upscale, safe, and exclusive treatments they deserve. Therefore, you need to produce prestigious advertising to ensure you stand out and meet the expectations of your exclusive clientele.  

2. Not Having a Well-Defined Marketing Strategy At All


If you don’t have a well-defined strategy, your marketing efforts will never be successful. You need a clear plan and strategy that allows you to:

  • Identify the best tactics
  • Allot the right amount of money for those tactics and
  • Follow and measure the results to determine where your plan needs adjustments

A well-thought-out marketing strategy ensures you create measurable campaigns, make smart budget decisions, and make data-driven decisions that constantly improve performance.

3. Not Focusing on a Specific Audience


Medical spa digital marketing must be focused on a specific audience to see results. You can’t try to reach everyone, as not everyone is interested in your services and treatments. You have to understand your ideal clients based on their age, income, and desires, so you can create advertising campaigns that resonate with them in a more meaningful way.

What are their pain points? What do they want to achieve? What are common objections? When you can answer these questions, you know where to focus your messaging to see a better ROI on your marketing efforts. And keep in mind that you can create several different client personas based on the treatments you provide. For example, someone in their late 30s might be more interested in Botox injections, while someone in their 50s might be open to more invasive procedures like surgery. Matching the client to the service can often be more effective than creating a general ideal audience.

4. Missing the Mark on Your Marketing Methods


With so many channels and marketing methods available, you might be tempted to invest in all channels for fear of missing opportunities. However, your audience isn’t across all channels. You need to assess marketing methods to determine where you’ll find a more significant number of prospects. An excellent place to start is to research where your successful competitors are present. You can also research the channels your ideal audience tends to frequent, so you invest in the right medspa marketing methods.

5. Not Keeping Up on Marketing Trends


Technology and consumer behavior is constantly changing. Therefore, you must keep up with marketing trends to ensure you use the best approach to reach your target audience. It’s not just about the best channels but also how to make a stronger connection with your clients. In addition, it would be best to keep up with industry news to ensure your services come across as leading edge. 

What are people looking for in medspa treatments today? Where are they spending their money? What are the latest perks medspas are offering their clients and patients? These trends influence decisions. If you don’t keep up with marketing trends, you won’t understand how they impact your clients.

6. Not Committing to Your Marketing Plan


It’s one thing to create a marketing plan and another to commit to executing it. It’s easy to lose track of your marketing when you don’t have someone leading the charge. A serious medspa marketing strategy requires a serious leader to ensure you continue to grow your online presence. If your marketing plan is pushed to the back burner, you can be sure your competition is going to pick up the flack.

This mistake is twofold:

1) You need to keep your online presence fresh and in the moment with new content every day, and

2) You need to nurture existing clients to keep your medspa top of mind.

Your online presence requires new blog content, posts, and client reviews, while your existing clients need ongoing communication via e-newsletters or email drip campaigns. When are patients due for their next treatment? How can they maintain healthy skin? What treatments help reduce the signs of aging? How often do they need electrolysis appointments to reduce unwanted hair growth? These are just a few examples of the information you can share.  

7. Not Tracking Results and A/B Testing


Your medspa marketing campaigns provide vital data and analytics. First, you need to track results, including monthly reporting and data analysis, to know where your marketing efforts are working. Tracking offers insights that allow you to fine-tune your efforts. It also presents opportunities to leverage A/B testing to improve results. Next, you can also take note of ongoing failures and stop investing in tactics that don’t work. That money can then be invested in your better performers.

Free tools such as Google Analytics and those offered by most website platforms allow you to:

  • Review engagement metrics
  • Discover what campaigns are sending more traffic to your website
  • Understand what landing pages are seeing the best results for emails, social posts, or newsletters

Your medspa marketing becomes more effective when you understand success rates and what methods help you meet your marketing objectives.  

Although these seven mistakes will hurt your medical spa marketing strategy, changing your tactics will help improve your marketing ROI.

If you need more direction on your medspa marketing strategy, Aesthetic Marketing Partners can help. Set up your free consultation here or contact us to get your strategy back on track.